Here for the milestones, whether it’s selling your house, purchasing your first home, investing, or picking your new investment rental property, Courtside Property Group is there for it all.

Understanding the excitement and overwhelming feelings that come with real estate, we listen and advocate for our clients, ensuring confidence in our knowledge and work ethic.



Upholding the highest standards of excellence and partnership, we pride ourselves in being your trusted partner in real estate.

The success of our business has been attributed to the quality of dedicated Courtside agents with specialised knowledge of real estate, our innovative approach to solution, and collaboration with our clients.

Courtside views your trust with utmost importance in delivering tailored solutions that suit your property journey.

Why Courtside Property Group?

We aim to elevate your results and provide an enjoyable experience along the way by utilising our considerable resources with a team of people who love what they do. We look forward to serving you throughout and beyond your property journey.

Courtside’s innovative model empowers our people.
To embrace opportunities for the benefit of our clients
We have the freedom and support to think outside the box.
Uniquely, we find solutions that achieve better results and deliver more rewarding experiences.

Courtside Team

Unconfined by real estate norms, we are here for innovation in the Real Estate realm. Courtside Property Group has a vibrant team that is willing and ready to turn your ideas into a reality. With a deep industry knowledge, we can provide a rare, professional and trustworthy customer experience.

Shann Howman

Principal/Head of Property Management

Shann Howman

Shann Howman is a renowned real estate and hospitality leader, bringing over two decades of unparalleled experience to the industry. With a proven track record of managing portfolios exceeding 4,000 properties and leading teams of over 50 professionals, Shann exemplifies strategic leadership and operational excellence. His career is distinguished by successful ventures, underscored by a deep understanding of market dynamics, legislation, and compliance.
Shann’s approach to leadership and business is characterised by an innovative mindset. He fosters environments where teams thrive on collaboration and the pursuit of excellence. Recognised as a highly regarded industry leader, Shann has significantly shaped industry standards and practices through mentorship and thought leadership.
As an experienced business owner, Shann’s entrepreneurial understanding is evident in his history of launching and growing successful ventures, demonstrating resilience, strategic insight, and a commitment to sustainable business practices.
His extensive experience in real estate and hospitality is a testament to his professional dedication. It highlights his role as a visionary, constantly seeking new opportunities for innovation and growth in the ever-evolving market landscape.

Andrew Metcalf

Director/ Projects and Residential Sales

Andrew Metcalf

With a lifelong interest in property and construction, Andrew brings a unique mix of hands-on construction knowledge, exemplary customer service skills and a depth of real estate knowledge of the Canberra market to Courtside Property Group.

Andrew enjoys the fast pace of the real estate industry as well as adapting to the needs of his clients.

He thrives in the continually changing environment of the property realm and proactively rises to all its challenges.

In 2021, Andrew made over 140 property transactions with a gross sales value of $70 million.

Nic Geou

Director/ Projects and Residential Sales

Nic Geou

With his tireless work ethic and desire to constantly improve and learn more, Nic has the drive and commitment to excel in real estate. During 2021, Nic made over 170 property sales with a total sales value of $85 million.

Nic has a firm commitment to providing quality customer service, excelling in helping to guide buyers seamlessly through the sales process. He goes above and beyond to ensure every transaction is stress-free for both the purchaser and vendor, while generating strong results in a competitive space.